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Tracing Nakagin Capsule Tower - Condition 1


Tracing Nakagin Capsule Tower - Condition 1

BA/MA Seminar AM Moritz Riesenbeck, Lehrstuhl Grundlagen des Designs und Prototyping

Modul 19 BA / Modul 35/36 MA

Memories are fragments that we need to construct our identity. In doing so, we become aware of the present as the future of the past. In the form of self-distanced reflection, we create references that are linked to emotions. They are attached to people, objects, spaces, bodies and smells, which is why they have a considerable influence on our feelings. The material becomes a prosthesis of our memory. As these materials accumulate in places, they represent particularly tense situations that could be described as what makes architecture out of a space. This also means that architecture is part of our identity. We share these architectures with each other, and they create networks of both our own and shared layers of time, references and emotions. 

Together we try to understand how this system works. The Nakagin Capsule Tower is particularly suitable for our investigation because its starting point - the capsule - could not be more similar. Combined in the tower to form a conglomerate, each individual capsule contains its own history, whose traces are especially obvious due to the uniformity of the architecture. 

In addition to a brief introduction to the tower, we will work on models and examine how traces become visible in architecture. Using selected contributions that are also non-architectural, we will learn how stories emerge from traces and how these influence our view on architecture. 

Zeit: nach Absprache, voraussichtlich zweiwöchentlich Donnerstags 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Ort: Raum 203, NB1

Art der Prüfung: Projektarbeit, Präsentation

Anmeldung zur Teilnahme: moritz.riesenbeck@abk-stuttgart.de